Url Cleaner

Is there any way you could add the option to clean embedded urls to articles? This article explains what I’m talking about. http://wistia.com/blog/fresh-url

Hi Peter, thanks for the feature request. We do actually have code which can clean utm tracking codes from URLs, but it’s only applied to the dc:identifier element which we insert into the generated feed (it holds the final, effective URL after redirects). Can you give us examples of these tracking codes appearing in links within articles?

Ahh, it would seem that the tracking codes that I am seeing are generated by Feedly for their “visit website” button. I added an anchor with {effective-url} to the append config and all is well now :slight_smile:



Actually I just found one, all gawker orignal links end up with feedburner info.


Thanks Peter. If this is what you’re seeing in the output of Full-Text RSS, can you provide the original feed URL which you passed to Full-Text RSS?

