Send-to-Pocketbook support

Will you ever support Send-to-Pocketbook?
It is a service for Pocketbook ereaders and it’s very similar to Amazon’s Send-to-Kindle. The only difference is that Send-to-Pocketbook email addresses end to

Thanks for the suggestion. Is there more information about this service somewhere?

Well, there isn’t too much information about this service, only the official announcement:

Bendegúz Gyönki

Thanks. Would you be willing to help us test the feature if we implement it? The announcement says they accept MOBI, so it shouldn’t be to difficult to add an option for the service. Let me know if you can test it out.

Yes, of course I would help testing the feature.

Bendegúz Gyönki

Thanks! Ok, I’ll contact you in the next few days when I’ve had a chance to implement this feature so we can test it out.

We’d forgotten to update this thread. Pocketbook sending is now supported in Push to Kindle. Thanks for requesting this feature.