multiple page article

The article I want to send from the web to my Kindle is 5 pages long, reading on the web there’s a link at the bottom of each page to go to the next. Is there a way to get the whole article on my kindle? Some way to stitch the pages together?

Hi Cynthia,

Many sites which offer multi-page articles also offer a ‘single page’ or ‘print view’ page which shows the full article in one page. We automatically follow this link for many popular sites (so if you invoke Kindle It on page 1, we’ll follow the link to the full article and extract that automatically), but for other sites you will have to click on the singe page/print page link yourself and invoke Kindle It on that page.

We do not yet support multi-page articles when no single page/print page view exists - if more sites go down this route, we will of course think of something.

If this site offers a single-page view of the article, please email it to us and we’ll see if we can add a rule for Kindle It to automatically fetch that page.

Another, somewhat more tedious, option is to copy and paste each page into our paste pad:

Hope that answers your question.