Feed Creator - Receiving

I receive the error message saying “Failed!” when I try to preview an example or a custom url on my self-hosted version of Feed Creator. However, the same URLs and examples work on the FiveFilters.org website. I’ve contacted the technical support from my hosting company and they said it doesn’t appear to be a server issue.

My site is located here: http://www.chris.ag/feeds/index.php
I haven’t modified the config file and have followed each step of the install instructions.

I’m eager to get started using Feed Creator so any help is greatly appreciated!



Hi Chris,

If you look at http://www.chris.ag/feeds/extract.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-europe-35622753&in_id_or_class=&url_contains=&action=Preview#results

You’ll see there’s a parse error. That’s what’s causing this. Can you try re uploading this. If you still get error. Let us know which version of PHP you’re using.

For anyone else on this thread. This was due to an incorrect PHP version (Feed Creator requires at least version 5.3). Update from Chris, should be useful for those using CPanel:

"I updated it and it works. For those of you having the same issue, here’s
how I did it: log into you website server via cpanel > advanced > php
configuration, then selected php 5.4 from the dropdown and clicked the
update button.


My code doesn’t seem to be processing requests. Take a look here: http://rss.centermarkplacements.com/index.php. PHP is is ver. 5.4. Any ideas?


Hi David, works for me here. What exactly is the problem?